Friday, 9 November 2012

Romantic comedy trailer analyse

Life as we know it

Director: Greg Berlanti
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

In this trailer a lot of the plot is shown, however not many characters are shown this shows that there are not many in the film. The storyline is stereotypical of a romantic comedy as it is about a relationship. As they are put together in a unusual way, in the middle of the film they have a fight which causing them to dislike each other however by the end of the film they fall in love and start a relationship together.

At the beginning of the trailer there is a clip from the film which then leads into the clip from Warner Brother’s pictures. This is not stereotypical as normally the Warner Brothers clip is at the beginning of the trailer then a clip from the film, however in this trailer it is done this way so that the transitions between the two clips is smooth. As at the end of the film clip the doorbell rings which then leads in to the other clip. Then at the end of the trailer there is a funny clip this is stereotypical as by having a funny clip from the film at the end the audience are more likely to remember the trailer and therefore see the film.

The music used in the trailer changes with the mode as at the beginning the music is jolly and fun to suit the atmosphere. However when something tragic happens the music became more dramatic to show the change in the mode. The music then changes back to the happy funny music as the clips change back to the amusing parts of the film. There is very little voice over used in the trailer as most of the dialogue is part of the clips which are being shown.

Text is used throughout the trailer so that the storyline is easy for the audience to understand. The names of the actors are shown at the end of the film this is stereotypical of romantic comedies as the famous names are what attract the audience to watching the film. Also the title is at the end of the film the text is bold and is in two contrasting colours of black and red. These colours could be used to represent the storyline of the film as the red represents love and the black is for the hate between the main characters in the film. A white background is used to make the text stand out.

Love and other drugs

Director: Edward Zwick
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
This storyline is a stereotypical romantic comedy as two people get together, they break up and then the man fights to get her back. However to make the film different one of the characters is ill this is unusual for romantic comedy’s as it is seen as sad subject. In the trailer this storyline is left open as the audience does not find out what is wrong with her. This creates questions for the audience which makes them want to see the film. However lots of funny clips are shown which shows that even though there is a difficult subject in the film it is still funny and a feel good film. The trailer has been set out in a stereotypical way as at the beginning is the 20th century fox clip and then clips from the film. Then at the end of the film the title of the film is shown which then goes into a funny clip, this is stereotypical as in both trailers for romantic comedy films this has occurred.
The text used in the trailer is used to introduce the main character and to explain the key things about him and the storyline. Then at the end the main actor’s names are shown which then goes into clips that show that character. The actors in this type of film are important as that is what draws the audience to see the film. The title text for this is simple and is white on a black background so it stands out. The text throughout the film is the same colour and background so that it is consistent throughout the trailer.
Music in the trailer is used to tell the storyline of the film as to begin with the music is upbeat and unromantic which shows that the he does not care about the girls he is seeing. This carry's on when he first meets the girl that Anne Hathaway plays until he relies that he likes her. Then the music becomes romantic as it shows the relationship growing and that he wants to stick with her through the illness but then she leaves him. However the music stays the same as he is still fighting for her so the consistent type of music could show that the love for her is also constant.

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