Monday, 11 February 2013

Voiceover script

For some of the trailer we want to use a voice over to portray what the characters are thinking at the time. This section of the trailer is when both girls are waking up and realising that they have swapped bodies. the script for this is:
Aimee: this isn't my room?
Amie: why is my hair so long? oh well
Aimee: they're not my pyjamas? hmmm
Amie: oh my god that's not my body

We created the voice over by filming Aimee and Amie reading the script. which we then edited by removing the video and keeping the audio which allowed us to move the audio so that can be heared above the right part of the film.

When adding the voice over to some of the trailer it allowed the story line to be clearly shown. When editing we had to make sure the voice over fit with the film. For example when Amie shrugged we had to link it with "oh well". Furthermore after hearing some of the background sound from the film and the  voice over it did not work properly so we removed the background noise. When the music is added this will not be obvious.  

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