As film opening
A2 preliminary task music video
Above are the products that i have created over the 2 years to show how i have progressed over the 2 years.
My skills on finale cut express from As to A2 has developed as in As I only used simple transitions such as cross dissolve and fades we also used very few effects. Since then I have developed my skills as I can now use green screen which I can use for a film or for still images. I also know how to create split screens as we included one in the trailer where Aimee and Amie to show both reactions. I used slow motion in the music video and the trailer. Furthermore I also used different transitions to add different effects to the trailer and post production. By using a wider range of practical skills in the trailer it has made it look more effective, unique and professional.
Other practical skills I have developed is use of shots as I have learnt to use a range of different shots instead of the simple type of shots. In As we used a range of unique shots such as extreme close ups as we created a film opening for a thriller. However in the trailer we have used less shots like this because of the genre of the film. This shows I have developed my skills as it shows that I try to keep with the conventions of the genre and I know what shots are appropriate for what we are filming as we planned before filming instead of just trying to use a range of shots. Furthermore another progression from As to A2 is the way in A2 we learnt to take a range of different shots and different angles instead of just filming it once. This allowed us to have options when editing as it allowed us to chose the one that was most appropriate it also meant that we did not have to re-film things as there was other shots we could use.
There has also been a progression from As to A2 in the software and hardware I have used. As in As the quality of filming was poor however in A2 we got new cameras which has made the picture of our filming to be more clearer and more professional. However, I would have developed my skills further by using different hardware to support the filming such as tripods and focus pull which would allow me to challenge myself by trying different shots. In my A2 project I have used different software such as Garage Band and Photoshop as well as finale cut express which I have used through out the 2 years. By using Garage Band it has allowed us to create our own music to fit the trailer which is progression as in the AS film opening we used royalty free music from the internet, which has allowed me to learn how to make all aspects of the trailer, however I would like to develop my skills further on garage band as I believe I could still learn more to create music of a higher quality. In this project I have also developed my skills further in Photoshop as we used the software to create poster and magazine I had used this software in other lessons but by using it in media it has allowed me to develop my skills in creating a product on this type of software.
Another progression from As to A2 is the use of research as in A2 we did a high amount of research for the 3 products we were creating. This allowed us to use more conventions in the products so that they look more professional whereas in As we did not use many conventions. Also I have also developed what I have put on blogger as I have used a variety of images such as print screens and photos to show what I was doing in lesson and how the products we were creating were being created. I have also filmed discussions, putting make-up on the actresses and how we developed the music, this has allowed my blogger to become more visual in the way I was evaluating and analysing.
In conclusion I believe I have progressed from As and A2 as I have developed my skills in every aspect of my coursework so that the A2 project is of a higher quality and looks more professional. As I believe I have learnt from my As and have improved on the weaknesses to make my coursework stronger.
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